A & S Cafes
Information on poets, writers and philosophers
I only translated the key words.
Marco Valerio Marcial (38/41 - 102/103)
He was an ingenious, acute man sharp and that wrote with much 'hiel' and you leave, but also tenderly.
Avempace (1085/90 - 1128/38)
Universal wise person, distinguished itself like botanico, medico, musico and literato.
Pedro Alfonso (? - 1121)
Doctor, scientist and author of the oldest Aragonese medieval novel,
whose influence in universal Literature was extraordinary.

Pedro Manuel Ximénez de Urrea (1486 - 1530)
One of the best Aragonese poets of century XVI.
Jerónimo Zurita (1512 - 1580)
He dedicated his life to rescue and maintain the memory of Aragón history.
Pedro Cerbuna y del Negro (1538 - 1597)
He was the founder of the University of Zaragoza.
Baltasar Gracián (1601 - 1658)
During all his life education and dedicated to the priesthood.
As a writer he publishes all his work under his own name.
Except "El Comulgatorio, which he writes as Garcia de Marlones.

Ana Francisca Abarca de Bolea (1602 - 1685)
She was 'cisterciense'
Juan Francisco Andrés de Uztárroz (1606 - 1653)
Poet, historian and publisher
Juan Vicencio Lastanosa (1607 - 1684)
His house was a refuge of the beauty and the knowledge. The most cultured man by force of being peculiar
Braulio Foz y Burgues (1791 - 1865)
College student, fighter of the Sites of Zaragoza.
University professor of classic humanities

José Camón Aznar (1898 - 1979)
Academic of numerous institutions, like the Real Academy of History.
She is author of an immense work related to the arts and the letters.

María Moliner Ruiz (1900 - 1981)
She represents, without a doubt, everything in style of being a woman in century XX
She is author of the most important lexical work of Spian.

Ramón J. Sender (1901 - 1982)
Sender translated Castilian language to more languages, a most outstanding novelist.
José Ramón Arana (1906 - 1974)
Pseudonym of the great Aragonese novelist Jose Ruiz Barau, author of "the priest of Almuniaced"
Pedro Laín Entralgo (1908 - 2001)
Historian of medicine, anthropologist, 'ensayista' and dramatist.
Miguel Labordeta Subías (1921 - 1969)
Poetic creator of magnifies stature who obtained after his death, the due recognition.
Fernando Lázaro Carreter (1923 - 2004)
Without a doubt one of the most eminent philosophers.
He has written more than one hundred monographs and studies