Barreiro - Uma História de Luta
Barreiro - A combat History

Work from António Manel Vieira

Page from the PIDE file
- one of many Barreirenses who paid dearly to fight for their rights

Rally in a community,
during the election campaign of 1969

Barreiro, a land of work, solidarity
and struggle for demoncracy, freedom by ABRIL.

Many books were written one by one,
hidden to pass from hand to hand

Postcard sold to support
the campaign of Gen. Norton de Matos

Stamps sold to support
the families of political prisoners

Stamped by the Postal censorship
and printed in Barreiro

Insight session,
during the election campaign of 1969

On the Ribbon, you can read
"Democrats from Barreiro salute General Norton de Matos"
Portsugar 2011