Ponto Verde - Eco point





The most important thing is
to innovate, evolve and recycle.
As learned from Gervasio

Indisputably beautiful

In Portugal there are more
than 60.000 ecopoints.
There are no excuses

I'll take you
to the best place I know.
The ecopoint

Spray cans, preserves or drinks.
Have their future in
the yellow recycling bin

Look at the can

In the blue recycling bin
you must not place
dirty or greasy paper and cardboard

Contaminated paper
is approved

Labels that not cover the entire surface
of the package.
They facilitate their recycling.

XS labels are in fashion

In packaging with different materials,
we chose the ecopoint.
Of the prevalent material

It is me, surprise

Each package has enormous potential.
Always place all packages
in the recycling bins

You have value
I heared

The covers must be placed
in the recycling bin
Along with your packaging.

You already made
me jump the lid

Every package that doesn't go to
the recycling bin
ends up in the landfill

Our target is in sight.
Let's save the package

Translucent, flattenable
or light-colored packaging
improve recycling

Trends to better
recycle this season

Plates or cups must
be placed in the
undifferentiated container

Not everyting should be put
in the green recycling bin

Glass packaging can
be recycled infinite times

Goodbye bottle
I hope to see you again
soon in a new form

By reciting we protect the environment,
natural resources and
we promote the economy

The economy is very circular

From the kitchen to the laundry room,
through the WC and office.
Every package counts and must go to the ecopoint.

We enter enemy territory
Several boxes and
lots of things to separate

Glues, paints and varnishes
Are difficult to recycle

Without glue
without varnish

After being recycled, the package
will give raw material.
Which can be transformed into new objects.

Many rounds of life

By recycling we are saving resources and
proloning the lifetime of materials

Don't worry I'll take care of you

Cans can be recycled.
Countless times

A can today
A lot of caps, tomorrow

The packaging placed in recycling bins
should be drained and flattened.

The mission - recycle
mission accomplished

Do you know the new icons?
They help you recycle better

Recycling looks good on you
Code de pacotada - S.2021.70