Desejamos - lhe um óptimo café Nicola
To put Portugal to think
Send your better guesses and respective reply to
The best ones will be published in this space,
with the name of the authors
Which is the food that
more than one politican likes?
What it is that one wall says to the other?
We will meet the 'esquina'
What walks with the feet in the head?
The lice
What does the tomatoe say to the banana?
When I strap my clothes I am all 'vermelhinho'
What gets broken by saying only one word? The silence What is 'pontinho' black in top of a periodical?
An ant on job search
What says one cromossoma to the other?
Ah, happy chromosomes
which animal walks with the legs?
The duck
What says the great hand of the clock to the small hand?
You do not go yourself even so.
I will come back in one hour
What is that if 'tráz' for the table,
it is cut but never it is eaten?
One 'baralho' of letters.
What has fingers but can't write?
A Glove
How does a sardine call a submarine?
A can filled with people.
What always goes up, when rain comes down?
The umbrella
what can go round the world,
by staying in one spot?
The stamp
Why it is that the ox muges when a cow passes?
Because it does not know how to whistle

Desejamos II - lhe um óptimo café Nicola
Our gratefulness for the innumerable perfect riddles
that have been send in
It was a pleasure to serve of inspiration to so many talentos.
More on
What is the similarity between a man and a carton of yoghurt?
Both have validity stated period
Who was the happyest man in the world?
Adam, because he did not a have mother-in-law
What fuinho is one?
buaquinho in paede is one
What says a saucers to the chávena?
Ai, son you have rabínho so hot
What does a zebra says to the fly?
You are on my black list
We are children of the same father
and the same mother,
but we are not brothers.
What are we?
We are liars
What is the Nick name of your coffee?
Nick Ola
Which employee will always walk in line
in the absence of the master?
An electric one
Why does a hen shock?
Because it has no brakes
What kind of lake makes a duck with one leg to the side?
'Which is thing which is it who without the Ni not glue?'
What can a lice do on a bald spot?
Which thing can you call, whithout speaking?
The Elevator
Which is the best form to find a needle in a 'palheiro'?
To seat it in top
What will grow when you spend more?
The invoice (bill)
Bruno Dantas