Bar Mar Y Luz - Faro de Cullera
The work of thought lookes
like the perforation of a well;
the water is cloudy in the beginning,
but soon it clarifies
Chinese Proverb
I encounter as much difference
between me and myself
like between I and the others.
Michel de Montaigne
We would do many more things
if we thought that
they are many except the impossible ones.
C.Guillaume de Lamoignan
The ability is to the cleverness
which the skill to the swindle
Nicolas Chamfort
A way of a thousand miles
begins with one step
Benjamin Franklin
Action is the own
fruit of the knowledge
Thomas Fuller
Knowledge that knows what it knows
and that it does not know
what is not known;
that is the true one to know here.
More is learned reason
why people to each other
speak or reason why sobrentiende,
that considering questions
Rudyard Kipling
The best thing of life is
the past, the present
and the future.
Pier Paolo Pasolini
The ignorant affirms,
the wise doubt and reflects.
A gold key opens all the locks
Christoph Wieland
If you want that your secret is kept,
keep it to yourself
Séneca el Filósofo
The impossible thing is trying
as the possible thing is made
Henri Barbusse
Cial Vipasa