Handeln für den frieden - HEKS
There is now way to peace,
peace is the way.
Mahatma Gandhi
One must begin to make peace like war.
Stefan Zweig
Peace has just as many triumphs to prove as the war,
but far fewer monuments.
Kim Hubbard
Peace recognizes probably walls,
but looks for a doorway
Anke Maggauer-Kirsche
One buys peace never expensively,
because it brings him, which he buys to use
Martin Luther
In peace milk tastes sweet.
From Somalia
In a destroyed finds one lands under slip,
in a peaceful establishes itself one
From Mongolei
Don't knock on war's door
as long as you can negotiate for peace
From Iran
Sympathy is the basis of world peace
Dalai Lama
Where peace prevails,
A Knife is only used for shaving
From Kongo
Issued by Rupperswil